Stacy Talks & Reviews: Living Close to God (When You're Not Good at It)

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Living Close to God (When You're Not Good at It)

The part I liked most was that the author Gene Edwards admits right from the start that he was not a spiritual person. That in itself spoke volumes to me because it seems like most books now days start off by telling you either what you should be doing, or how what you're probably doing isn't the right way. I hate when authors start off books telling you just how much they know and how full of knowledge they are. This time the author right out of the gates admitted he didn't know it all and wanted to learn, then shared about it with us his readers along the way. The other great part (at least for me) is that the chapters are all pretty short. I find myself having trouble with books that have lengthy chapters. I seem to get lost part way through and sometimes even give up if I can't see "the light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak. This way I can read a chapter then close up the book and really let it sink in and absorb what I just read. There is also a group study guide and a personal study guide in the back of the book so it's perfect for reading on your own, or with a group.

About the book:
Have you tried harder to have a consistent time with the Lord—but failed?
Does your mind wander during prayer, and do you run out of things to say?
Do you question why it is so
hard to fellowship with the Lord? 

Stop feeling like a failure at daily devotions and start walking every day with the Lord who loves you.

Gene Edwards faced these same questions and struggles. And he found a better way to walk with the Lord than merely trying harder to pray and read the Bible.

In Living Close to God (When You're Not Good at It) you will discover that loving God means much more than doing your best to serve Him. You will find ways to start your day with Christ, beginning with your first conscious thought in the morning. You will learn how to fellowship with Him during even the most demanding days. And when you go to the Scriptures, you will talk with Him in a two-way conversation—just as His first followers did.

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